Support Me!!!
Supporting me is a great way to help me continue to do what I do best. By supporting me you enable me to spend my time working on the creation of resources which I would need to otherwise need to spend teaching lessons to pay the bills. Supporting me also enables me to host workshops and offer some lessons at a reduced rate for those students who need it. Thank you so much to all of you who have supported me so far!! I couldn't do this without you ^_^
On Ko-Fi you also have the option to sponsor a lesson for a random person in need. To get there quickly select the gift a lesson button below. If you sponsor a lesson you provide someone with a "sponsored public lesson". Sponsored public lessons are lessons which are publicly viewable by all of those on the discord, this is done so that the maximum possible number of people can benefit from the lesson, as well as the subsequent recording. At the end of the lesson there will be time for those in chat to ask questions.
If you sponsor a lesson you can claim the saint role on the discord. If you do sponsor a lesson try to send me a message on discord to ensure everything is noted down and you're given your role. If you're in need of a lesson and can't afford one yourself, then fill out this form to request a public sponsored lesson.